Data Analysis using EViews and Stata course
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Data Analysis using EViews and Stata course

10 Days Online - Virtual Training

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# Start Date End Date Duration Location Registration
9 10/06/2024 21/06/2024 10 Days Live Online Training
10 24/06/2024 05/07/2024 10 Days Live Online Training
11 08/07/2024 19/07/2024 10 Days Live Online Training
12 05/08/2024 16/08/2024 10 Days Live Online Training
13 02/09/2024 13/09/2024 10 Days Live Online Training
14 16/09/2024 27/09/2024 10 Days Live Online Training
15 28/10/2024 08/11/2024 10 Days Live Online Training
16 11/11/2024 22/11/2024 10 Days Live Online Training
17 25/11/2024 06/12/2024 10 Days Live Online Training
18 09/12/2024 20/12/2024 10 Days Live Online Training
19 23/12/2024 03/01/2025 10 Days Live Online Training

Course Outline

Welcome to our "Data Analysis using EViews and Stata" course, where we embark on a journey to unlock the full potential of two leading statistical software tools. In an era dominated by data, the ability to extract meaningful insights from complex datasets is a critical skill. This course is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and practical skills needed to navigate the realms of data analysis using EViews and Stata. Whether you are a seasoned researcher, analyst, or a professional seeking to enhance your statistical prowess, this program will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of these powerful tools and their application in real-world scenarios.

In the first paragraph, participants will be introduced to the fundamental concepts of EViews and Stata, gaining insights into their functionalities, interfaces, and data manipulation capabilities. The course will begin with an exploration of the basics, ensuring a solid foundation for subsequent modules. Participants will learn how to import, clean, and manipulate data efficiently, setting the stage for more advanced analytical techniques. The second paragraph delves into the core modules, covering topics such as descriptive statistics, hypothesis testing, regression analysis, time-series analysis, and panel data modeling. Each module is crafted to provide hands-on experience, allowing participants to implement learned concepts through practical exercises and case studies. This structured approach ensures a gradual and comprehensive learning experience, making complex statistical methods accessible to all.

Finally, the third paragraph highlights the broader objectives of the course and the benefits participants can expect. The overarching goal is to empower individuals with the skills to make informed, data-driven decisions, be it in academia, business, or research. By the course's conclusion, participants will not only have mastered EViews and Stata but will also possess a holistic understanding of data analysis methodologies. The course is tailored to enhance both individual capabilities and organizational efficiency, ensuring that participants can immediately apply their newfound skills to drive meaningful results. Join us on this transformative learning journey, where data analysis becomes an accessible and powerful tool in your professional toolkit.

Course Objectives:

  1. Develop proficiency in using EViews and Stata for data analysis.
  2. Understand the fundamental principles of econometrics and statistical modeling.
  3. Learn advanced techniques for time-series analysis and forecasting.
  4. Gain expertise in handling and manipulating large datasets.
  5. Master the art of regression analysis and hypothesis testing.
  6. Explore data visualization methods to communicate results effectively.
  7. Acquire skills in panel data analysis using both EViews and Stata.
  8. Understand how to interpret and present results from complex statistical models.
  9. Develop the ability to conduct robust and reliable statistical inference.
  10. Apply the acquired knowledge to real-world scenarios through practical exercises and case studies.

Organizational Benefits:

  1. Improved Decision-Making: Equip your team with the skills to make data-driven decisions using advanced statistical tools.
  2. Increased Efficiency: Enhance productivity by streamlining data analysis processes with EViews and Stata.
  3. Enhanced Forecasting: Enable your organization to make accurate predictions and forecasts based on historical data.
  4. Quality Research Output: Foster a culture of rigorous research and analysis, leading to high-quality research publications.
  5. Cost Savings: Reduce the need for external consultants by having an in-house team proficient in data analysis.
  6. Competitive Advantage: Stay ahead of the competition by leveraging the power of EViews and Stata for insightful data analysis.
  7. Strategic Planning: Use data-driven insights to inform and optimize strategic planning within the organization.
  8. Better Resource Allocation: Make informed decisions regarding resource allocation based on thorough data analysis.
  9. Risk Management: Identify and mitigate risks through comprehensive data analysis and modeling.
  10. Skill Development: Invest in the professional development of your team, creating a more skilled and capable workforce.

Target Participants:

 This course is designed for professionals, researchers, and analysts who want to enhance their data analysis skills using EViews and Stata. It is suitable for individuals working in finance, economics, business, social sciences, and any field where data-driven decision-making is crucial. Participants should have a basic understanding of statistics and data analysis concepts.

Course Outline

Module 1: Introduction to EViews and Stata

  1. Overview of EViews and Stata functionalities
  2. Installation and setup
  3. Basics of the user interface
  4. Loading and saving datasets
  5. Command syntax and scripting
  6. Data documentation and metadata management

Module 2: Data Import and Manipulation

  1. Importing data from different sources
  2. Cleaning and handling missing data
  3. Data transformation and recoding
  4. Merging and appending datasets
  5. Indexing and sorting data
  6. Reshaping datasets for analysis

Module 3: Descriptive Statistics

  1. Measures of central tendency and dispersion
  2. Frequency distributions and histograms
  3. Skewness and kurtosis analysis
  4. Correlation and covariance
  5. Data visualization for descriptive analysis
  6. Interpreting summary statistics

Module 4: Hypothesis Testing and Confidence Intervals

  1. Formulating hypotheses
  2. One-sample and two-sample t-tests
  3. Chi-square tests
  4. Confidence intervals interpretation
  5. Type I and Type II errors
  6. P-values and significance levels

Module 5: Regression Analysis in EViews

  1. Simple linear regression
  2. Multiple linear regression
  3. Model interpretation and diagnostics
  4. Heteroskedasticity and multicollinearity
  5. Dummy variable regression
  6. Time-series regression

Module 6: Regression Analysis in Stata

  1. Introduction to Stata regression commands
  2. Interpreting Stata regression output
  3. Handling categorical variables
  4. Advanced regression techniques in Stata
  5. Model comparison and selection
  6. Panel data regression in Stata

Module 7: Time-Series Analysis in EViews

  1. Time-series data structure
  2. Autocorrelation and lag operators
  3. Seasonal decomposition
  4. ARIMA modeling
  5. Unit root tests
  6. Forecasting techniques in EViews

Module 8: Time-Series Analysis in Stata

  1. Stata commands for time-series analysis
  2. ARIMA modeling in Stata
  3. Seasonal adjustment using Stata
  4. Granger causality tests
  5. ARCH and GARCH models
  6. Stata time-series forecasting tools

Module 9: Panel Data Analysis in EViews

  1. Introduction to panel data
  2. Fixed effects and random effects models
  3. Pooled regression analysis
  4. Testing panel data assumptions
  5. Hausman test
  6. Dynamic panel data models

Module 10: Panel Data Analysis in Stata

  1. Stata commands for panel data analysis
  2. Implementing fixed effects and random effects models
  3. Panel data diagnostics in Stata
  4. Time effects and individual effects
  5. Instrumental variable panel data models
  6. Advanced panel data techniques in Stata

Module 11: Advanced Econometric Techniques

  1. Instrumental variable estimation
  2. Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE)
  3. Generalized Method of Moments (GMM)
  4. Nonparametric regression
  5. Robust regression techniques
  6. Endogeneity and simultaneous equation models

Module 12: Model Diagnostics and Validation

  1. Assumptions of regression models
  2. Residual analysis
  3. Outlier detection and treatment
  4. Multicollinearity checks
  5. Model specification tests
  6. Cross-validation techniques

Module 13: Forecasting Methods

  1. Time-series forecasting principles
  2. Moving averages and exponential smoothing
  3. ARIMA forecasting
  4. Seasonal decomposition of time series (STL)
  5. Forecast accuracy measures
  6. Ensemble forecasting methods

Module 14: Data Visualization in EViews

  1. Graphing tools in EViews
  2. Customizing graphs and charts
  3. Time-series visualization
  4. Comparative visualizations
  5. Dashboard creation in EViews
  6. Exporting visualizations for presentations

Module 15: Data Visualization in Stata

  1. Stata graph commands
  2. Box plots and scatterplots in Stata
  3. Customizing Stata graphs
  4. Advanced visualizations in Stata
  5. Interactive visualizations
  6. Exporting Stata graphs for reports

Module 16: Handling Large Datasets

  1. Efficient data handling techniques
  2. Sampling and subsetting data
  3. Indexing and merging large datasets
  4. Parallel processing in EViews
  5. Stata commands for large datasets
  6. Database management systems and integration

Module 17: Nonparametric Methods

  1. Introduction to nonparametric statistics
  2. Wilcoxon rank-sum and signed-rank tests
  3. Kruskal-Wallis test
  4. Mann-Whitney U test
  5. Nonparametric regression
  6. Bootstrapping techniques

Module 18: Bayesian Analysis

  1. Basics of Bayesian statistics
  2. Prior and posterior distributions
  3. Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods
  4. Bayesian regression
  5. Model comparison in Bayesian analysis
  6. Bayesian forecasting techniques

Module 19: Machine Learning Applications in EViews

  1. Overview of machine learning in EViews
  2. Regression trees and random forests
  3. Support Vector Machines (SVM)
  4. Neural networks in EViews
  5. Model evaluation in machine learning
  6. Integration of machine learning with traditional econometric methods

Module 20: Integrating EViews and Stata: A Comprehensive Case Study

  1. Real-world data analysis project
  2. Utilizing both EViews and Stata for analysis
  3. Data cleaning and preprocessing
  4. Model building and evaluation
  5. Presentation of results
  6. Best practices for combining EViews and Stata in research projects

General Information

  1. Customized Training: All our courses can be tailored to meet the specific needs of participants.
  2. Language Proficiency: Participants should have a good command of the English language.
  3. Comprehensive Learning: Our training includes well-structured presentations, practical exercises, web-based tutorials, and collaborative group work. Our facilitators are seasoned experts with over a decade of experience.
  4. Certification: Upon successful completion of training, participants will receive a certificate from Foscore Development Center (FDC-K).
  5. Training Locations: Training sessions are conducted at Foscore Development Center (FDC-K) centers. We also offer options for in-house and online training, customized to the client's schedule.
  6. Flexible Duration: Course durations are adaptable, and content can be adjusted to fit the required number of days.
  7. Onsite Training Inclusions: The course fee for onsite training covers facilitation, training materials, two coffee breaks, a buffet lunch, and a Certificate of Successful Completion. Participants are responsible for their travel expenses, airport transfers, visa applications, dinners, health/accident insurance, and personal expenses.
  8. Additional Services: Accommodation, pickup services, freight booking, and visa processing arrangements are available upon request at discounted rates.
  9. Equipment: Tablets and laptops can be provided to participants at an additional cost.
  10. Post-Training Support: We offer one year of free consultation and coaching after the course.
  11. Group Discounts: Register as a group of more than two and enjoy a discount ranging from 10% to 50%.
  12. Payment Terms: Payment should be made before the commencement of the training or as mutually agreed upon, to the Foscore Development Center account. This ensures better preparation for your training.
  13. Contact Us: For any inquiries, please reach out to us at or call us at +254712260031.
  14. Website: Visit our website at for more information.


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