Developing organization Balanced Scorecard course

Course Date Duration Location Registration
15/07/2024 To 19/07/2024 5 Days Nairobi Kenya
12/08/2024 To 16/08/2024 5 Days Nairobi Kenya
09/09/2024 To 13/09/2024 5 Days Nairobi Kenya
07/10/2024 To 11/10/2024 5 Days Nairobi Kenya
04/11/2024 To 08/11/2024 5 Days Nairobi Kenya
02/12/2024 To 06/12/2024 5 Days Nairobi Kenya


 The Developing Organization Balanced Scorecard course is designed to provide participants with the knowledge and skills to develop and implement a Balanced Scorecard framework within their organization. The Balanced Scorecard is a strategic performance management tool that enables organizations to align their objectives, measures, targets, and initiatives to drive performance and achieve strategic goals. This course will provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the Balanced Scorecard methodology and guide them through the process of developing a customized Balanced Scorecard for their organization.

Course Objectives:

  • Understand the concept and principles of the Balanced Scorecard
  • Learn the step-by-step process of developing a Balanced Scorecard
  • Identify key performance indicators (KPIs) for each perspective of the Balanced Scorecard
  • Align organizational objectives and initiatives with the Balanced Scorecard framework
  • Develop a strategic action plan based on the Balanced Scorecard
  • Learn best practices for implementing and monitoring the Balanced Scorecard
  • Understand how the Balanced Scorecard can drive performance and improve organizational effectiveness

Organizational Benefits:

  • Enhanced strategic planning and performance management
  • Clear alignment of organizational objectives with the Balanced Scorecard
  • Improved measurement and monitoring of key performance indicators
  • Increased accountability and transparency in goal achievement
  • Better understanding of the relationships between different organizational perspectives
  • Improved decision-making based on data-driven insights
  • Enhanced organizational communication and alignment of initiatives

Who Should Attend:

  • Senior executives and leaders responsible for strategic planning and performance management
  • Managers and supervisors involved in performance monitoring and evaluation
  • Strategic planning and performance management professionals
  • Business analysts and consultants
  • Professionals interested in improving organizational effectiveness and performance


5 Days

Course Outline:

I. Introduction to Balanced Scorecard (BSC)

A. Definition and concept of the Balanced Scorecard

B. Benefits of implementing the Balanced Scorecard

C. Overview of the course objectives and structure


II. Strategy Development and Alignment

A. Strategic planning process

B. Identifying organizational goals and objectives

C. Translating strategy into measurable outcomes

D. Aligning individual and team objectives with organizational strategy


III. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Selection

A. Understanding performance measurement

B. Identifying relevant KPIs for different perspectives

C. Setting targets and benchmarks for KPIs

D. Linking KPIs to organizational strategy


IV. Financial Perspective

A. Financial KPIs and metrics

B. Financial planning and budgeting

C. Revenue generation and cost management

D. Financial risk assessment and mitigation


V. Customer Perspective

A. Customer segmentation and analysis

B. Customer satisfaction and loyalty metrics

C. Customer relationship management

D. Improving customer experience and engagement


VI. Internal Processes Perspective

A. Identifying critical business processes

B. Process mapping and optimization

C. Quality management and continuous improvement

D. Operational efficiency and effectiveness measurement


VII. Learning and Growth Perspective

A. Employee performance and development metrics

B. Talent acquisition and retention strategies

C. Learning and training initiatives

D. Promoting a culture of innovation and adaptability


VIII. Strategy Execution and Cascading

A. Communicating the Balanced Scorecard to the organization

B. Cascading objectives and KPIs to departments and teams

C. Monitoring progress and performance alignment

D. Addressing barriers to strategy execution


IX. Data Collection and Analysis

A. Data collection methods and tools

B. Data validation and integrity checks

C. Data analysis techniques for performance measurement

D. Reporting and visualizing performance data


X. Performance Evaluation and Review

A. Performance appraisal systems and processes

B. Conducting performance reviews and feedback sessions

C. Performance improvement planning and interventions

D. Evaluation of the Balanced Scorecard effectiveness


XI. Change Management and Stakeholder Engagement

A. Managing organizational change during implementation

B. Building stakeholder buy-in and support

C. Communication and engagement strategies

D. Sustaining the Balanced Scorecard over time


XII. Technology Enablers for Balanced Scorecard

A. Performance management software and tools

B. Data analytics and dashboard visualization

C. Integrating performance data systems

D. Leveraging technology for automation and efficiency


XIII. Balancing Short-Term and Long-Term Goals

A. Balancing financial and non-financial objectives

B. Managing trade-offs between different perspectives

C. Setting realistic targets and timelines

D. Aligning short-term actions with long-term strategy


XIV. Leading and Driving Performance Excellence

A. Leadership's role in driving performance excellence

B. Creating a performance-driven culture

C. Motivating and incentivizing performance

D. Recognizing and celebrating success


XV. Continuous Improvement and Lessons Learned

A. Evaluating and adapting the Balanced Scorecard

B. Conducting regular reviews and updates

C. Capturing and sharing lessons learned

D. Best practices in sustaining performance management

General Notes

·         All our courses can be Tailor-made to participants' needs

·         The participant must be conversant in English

·         Presentations are well-guided, practical exercises, web-based tutorials, and group work. Our facilitators are experts with more than 10 years of experience.

·         Upon completion of training the participant will be issued with a Foscore development center certificate (FDC-K)

·         Training will be done at the Foscore development center (FDC-K) centers. We also offer inhouse and online training on the client schedule

·         Course duration is flexible and the contents can be modified to fit any number of days.

·         The course fee for onsite training includes facilitation training materials, 2 coffee breaks, a buffet lunch, and a Certificate of successful completion of Training. Participants will be responsible for their own travel expenses and arrangements, airport transfers, visa application dinners, health/accident insurance, and other personal expenses.

·         Accommodation, pickup, freight booking, and Visa processing arrangement, are done on request, at discounted prices.

·         Tablet and Laptops are provided to participants on request as an add-on cost to the training fee.

·         One-year free Consultation and Coaching provided after the course.

·         Register as a group of more than two and enjoy a discount of (10% to 50%)

·         Payment should be done before commence of the training or as agreed by the parties, to the FOSCORE DEVELOPMENT CENTER account, so as to enable us to prepare better for you.

·         For any inquiries reach us at or +254712260031






Foscore Development Center |Training Courses | Monitoring and Evaluation|Data Analysis|Market Research |M&E Consultancy |ICT Services |Mobile Data Collection | ODK Course | KoboToolBox | GIS and Environment |Agricultural Services |Business Analytics specializing in short courses in GIS, Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E), Data Management, Data Analysis, Research, Social Development, Community Development, Finance Management, Finance Analysis, Humanitarian and Agriculture, Mobile data Collection, Mobile data Collection training, Mobile data Collection training Nairobi, Mobile data Collection training Kenya, ODK, ODK training, ODK training Nairobi, ODK training Kenya, Open Data Kit, Open Data Kit training, Open Data Kit Training, capacity building, consultancy and talent development solutions for individuals and organisations, through our highly customised courses and experienced consultants, in a wide array of disciplines

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