Gender based Violence, Gender Analysis and Development and Gender Mainstreaming, Analysis and Planning Gender in Humanitarian Action Course
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Gender based Violence, Gender Analysis and Development and Gender Mainstreaming, Analysis and Planning Gender in Humanitarian Action Course

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Days Online - Virtual Training


Please choose your preferred schedule.Fill out the form with your personal and organizational details and submit it. We will promptly process your invitation letter and invoice to facilitate your attendance at our workshops. We eagerly anticipate your registration and participation in our Skill Impact Trainings. Thank you.

# Start Date End Date Duration Location Registration
21 21/10/2024 08/11/2024 15 Days Live Online Training
22 18/11/2024 06/12/2024 15 Days Live Online Training
23 25/11/2024 13/12/2024 15 Days Live Online Training
24 06/01/2025 24/01/2025 15 Days Live Online Training
25 03/02/2025 21/02/2025 15 Days Live Online Training
26 03/03/2025 21/03/2025 15 Days Live Online Training
27 07/04/2025 25/04/2025 15 Days Live Online Training
28 05/05/2025 23/05/2025 15 Days Live Online Training
29 02/06/2025 20/06/2025 15 Days Live Online Training
30 07/07/2025 25/07/2025 15 Days Live Online Training
31 04/08/2025 22/08/2025 15 Days Live Online Training
32 01/09/2025 19/09/2025 15 Days Live Online Training
33 06/10/2025 24/10/2025 15 Days Live Online Training
34 03/11/2025 21/11/2025 15 Days Live Online Training
35 01/12/2025 19/12/2025 15 Days Live Online Training
36 01/12/2025 19/12/2025 15 Days Live Online Training


Gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls are fundamental principles of human rights and sustainable development. However, gender-based violence and discrimination continue to be pervasive challenges in societies around the world. The Gender-Based Violence, Gender Analysis and Development, and Gender Mainstreaming in Humanitarian Action Course aims to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of gender-based violence, gender analysis and development, and strategies for mainstreaming gender in humanitarian action.

The course begins by examining the concept of gender-based violence (GBV) and its various forms, including intimate partner violence, sexual violence, and harmful practices. Participants will explore the underlying causes and consequences of GBV and the impact it has on individuals, families, and communities. They will gain insights into the legal and policy frameworks surrounding GBV and learn about the importance of prevention, response, and support services for survivors.

Next, the course delves into gender analysis and development, emphasizing the importance of considering gender dynamics in policies, programs, and interventions. Participants will learn how to conduct gender analysis, which involves examining the social, cultural, and economic factors that shape gender roles and inequalities. They will explore tools and frameworks for gender analysis and understand how to apply a gender lens to identify and address gender disparities and promote gender equality in development initiatives.

Furthermore, the course covers gender mainstreaming in humanitarian action. Participants will learn how to integrate gender perspectives into all stages of the humanitarian response cycle, including needs assessment, program design, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation. They will gain insights into strategies for engaging with affected populations, promoting gender-sensitive programming, and ensuring the meaningful participation and protection of women, girls, men, and boys in humanitarian contexts.

The course also addresses gender-responsive planning and programming, focusing on the importance of gender mainstreaming in development and humanitarian interventions. Participants will learn how to develop gender-responsive strategies, design gender-sensitive indicators, and incorporate gender considerations into project planning and implementation. They will explore case studies and best practices in gender mainstreaming to enhance their skills in integrating gender equality and women's empowerment in their work.

Throughout the course, participants will engage in discussions, group activities, and case studies to deepen their understanding of gender-based violence, gender analysis, and gender mainstreaming. They will have the opportunity to explore practical approaches and tools for addressing gender inequalities, promoting women's rights, and creating inclusive and equitable environments.

By the end of the course, participants will have a comprehensive understanding of gender-based violence, gender analysis and development, and gender mainstreaming in humanitarian action. They will be equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to advocate for gender equality, incorporate gender perspectives into their work, and contribute to more inclusive and effective development and humanitarian interventions. Whether working in the field of international development, humanitarian response, or policy planning, participants will be empowered to promote gender equality and women's empowerment in their professional spheres.

Course Objectives: By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  1. Understand the concepts and dimensions of gender and gender-based violence.
  2. Analyze the gender dynamics and power relations in humanitarian contexts.
  3. Identify the different forms of gender-based violence and their impact on individuals and communities.
  4. Conduct gender analysis to inform program design and implementation.
  5. Integrate gender perspectives into development programs and projects.
  6. Mainstream gender in humanitarian planning and response.
  7. Develop strategies for preventing and responding to gender-based violence in humanitarian settings.
  8. Promote gender equality and women's empowerment in humanitarian action.

Organizational Benefits:

Upon completion of this course, organizations can expect the following benefits:

  1. Enhanced understanding of gender issues and their relevance to humanitarian action.
  2. Improved capacity to analyze gender dynamics and integrate gender perspectives in program planning.
  3. Strengthened ability to prevent and respond to gender-based violence in humanitarian settings.
  4. Increased gender sensitivity and inclusivity in program design and implementation.
  5. Enhanced coordination and collaboration with gender-focused stakeholders and partners.
  6. Improved compliance with gender-related policies and guidelines.
  7. Enhanced reputation and credibility in addressing gender issues in humanitarian contexts.

Who Should Attend:

This course is suitable for professionals working in humanitarian and development sectors, including:

  1. Humanitarian practitioners and program officers involved in planning and implementing humanitarian projects.
  2. Gender focal points and gender specialists seeking to enhance their knowledge and skills in gender mainstreaming.
  3. Project managers and coordinators responsible for integrating gender perspectives into development programs.
  4. Government officials and policymakers involved in humanitarian response and gender-related initiatives.
  5. NGO staff working in areas of gender equality, women's rights, and gender-based violence prevention and response.
  6. Researchers and academics interested in the intersection of gender and humanitarian action.


15 days (The Duration, module sequence, and content can be customized based on specific training needs and objectives.)

Course Outline:

Module 1: Introduction to Gender in Humanitarian Action

  • Understanding the importance of gender in humanitarian settings
  • Key concepts and definitions related to gender
  • Overview of gender mainstreaming and its significance

Module 2: Gender Concepts and Frameworks

  • Understanding the social construction of gender
  • Exploring gender norms, roles, and stereotypes
  • Gender equality frameworks and international commitments

Module 3: Gender-based Violence in Humanitarian Settings

  • Understanding the forms and dynamics of gender-based violence
  • Impacts of gender-based violence on individuals and communities
  • Approaches to preventing and responding to gender-based violence

Module 4: Gender Analysis in Humanitarian Contexts

  • Conducting gender analysis in humanitarian settings
  • Tools and methodologies for gender analysis
  • Incorporating gender analysis into needs assessments and program design

Module 5: Gender-responsive Programming and Development

  • Integrating gender perspectives into program planning and implementation
  • Addressing gender inequalities and promoting gender equality in development initiatives
  • Strategies for enhancing women's empowerment and participation

Module 6: Gender Mainstreaming in Humanitarian Planning and Response

  • Integrating gender into humanitarian policies and guidelines
  • Mainstreaming gender considerations in project design, implementation, and evaluation
  • Building gender-responsive monitoring and evaluation frameworks

Module 7: Gender and Conflict Transformation

  • Understanding the gender dimensions of conflict and peacebuilding
  • Promoting gender-sensitive approaches to conflict transformation
  • Strengthening women's participation in peacebuilding processes

Module 8: Gender and Disaster Risk Reduction

  • Integrating gender considerations into disaster risk reduction strategies
  • Addressing the differential impacts of disasters on women, men, girls, and boys
  • Promoting gender-responsive approaches to disaster preparedness and response

Module 9: Addressing Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs in Humanitarian Settings

  • Understanding the gendered aspects of sexual and reproductive health in emergencies
  • Providing gender-responsive sexual and reproductive health services
  • Ensuring access to comprehensive reproductive healthcare for all

Module 10: Preventing and Responding to Gender-based Violence in Humanitarian Contexts

  • Strategies for preventing and mitigating gender-based violence in emergencies
  • Coordinated response mechanisms and survivor-centered approaches
  • Engaging communities in addressing gender-based violence

Module 11: Engaging Men and Boys in Gender Equality and Violence Prevention

  • Understanding the importance of engaging men and boys in gender equality efforts
  • Promoting positive masculinity and challenging harmful gender norms
  • Strategies for involving men and boys in preventing gender-based violence

Module 12: Gender-responsive Coordination and Partnerships in Humanitarian Action

  • Coordinating gender-responsive humanitarian efforts among different stakeholders
  • Building partnerships and collaborations for gender equality in humanitarian settings
  • Ensuring effective communication and information sharing

Module 13: Gender and Livelihoods in Humanitarian Settings

  • Analyzing the gendered dimensions of livelihoods in emergencies
  • Supporting women's economic empowerment and livelihood recovery
  • Promoting gender-inclusive approaches to income generation and economic development

Module 14: Gender and Education in Emergency Situations

  • Addressing gender barriers in accessing education during emergencies
  • Ensuring safe and inclusive learning environments for all
  • Promoting girls' education and women's empowerment through education

Module 15: Gender and Protection of Vulnerable Groups

  • Understanding the specific protection needs of vulnerable groups
  • Addressing gender-based vulnerabilities and discrimination
  • Ensuring gender-responsive protection measures in humanitarian action

Module 16: Gender-sensitive Communication and Advocacy in Humanitarian Action

  • Strategies for effective gender-sensitive communication
  • Using media and advocacy to raise awareness of gender issues
  • Mobilizing support for gender-responsive humanitarian action

Module 17: Gender Integration in Humanitarian Policies and Guidelines

  • Examining existing policies and guidelines for gender integration
  • Advocating for gender-responsive policies and frameworks
  • Ensuring accountability and monitoring progress in gender integration

Module 18: Gender-responsive Monitoring and Evaluation in Humanitarian Action

  • Developing gender-sensitive indicators and data collection methods
  • Monitoring and evaluating gender outcomes and impacts
  • Using gender analysis for program improvement and learning

Module 19: Gender and Humanitarian Funding

  • Understanding the gender dimensions of humanitarian funding
  • Strengthening gender-responsive resource mobilization and allocation
  • Ensuring accountability and transparency in funding for gender equality

Module 20: Gender and Mental Health in Humanitarian Settings

  • Addressing gendered aspects of mental health in emergencies
  • Promoting gender-responsive mental health support and psychosocial care
  • Strengthening community-based mental health services

Module 21: Gender and Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) in Humanitarian Settings

  • Analyzing the gendered dimensions of WASH in emergencies
  • Ensuring gender-responsive access to water and sanitation facilities
  • Promoting women's participation in WASH decision-making and management

Module 22: Gender and Food Security in Humanitarian Contexts

  • Understanding the gendered aspects of food security in emergencies
  • Promoting women's access to and control over food resources
  • Strengthening gender-responsive approaches to food assistance

Module 23: Gender and Shelter and Settlement in Humanitarian Settings

  • Addressing gender-specific needs and vulnerabilities in shelter and settlement
  • Promoting safe and inclusive shelter options for all
  • Ensuring gender-responsive design and planning of settlements

Module 24: Gender and Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

  • Analyzing gender-related issues in child protection
  • Addressing gender-based violence against children in emergencies
  • Promoting gender-responsive child protection systems

Module 25: Gender and Displacement

  • Understanding the gender dimensions of displacement
  • Addressing the specific needs and vulnerabilities of displaced women, men, girls, and boys
  • Promoting gender equality and empowerment in displacement settings

Module 26: Gender and Human Rights in Humanitarian Action

  • Understanding the intersection of gender and human rights in emergencies
  • Promoting gender-responsive approaches to uphold human rights
  • Ensuring accountability for gender-based human rights violations

Module 27: Gender and Climate Change in Humanitarian Contexts

  • Analyzing the gendered impacts of climate change in emergencies
  • Promoting gender-responsive climate change adaptation and resilience strategies
  • Strengthening women's leadership in climate action

Module 28: Gender and Technology in Humanitarian Settings

  • Addressing gender gaps in access to and use of technology in emergencies
  • Promoting women's empowerment through technology
  • Harnessing technology for gender-responsive humanitarian action

Module 29: Gender and Peacebuilding in Humanitarian Action

  • Understanding the linkages between gender, peace, and security
  • Promoting women's meaningful participation in peacebuilding processes
  • Addressing gender-based violence as a barrier to peace and security

Module 30: Gender and Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Recovery

  • Analyzing gender dimensions in post-conflict reconstruction and recovery
  • Promoting gender-responsive approaches to rebuilding societies
  • Ensuring women's participation and empowerment in recovery processes

General Notes

·         All our courses can be Tailor-made to participants' needs

·         The participant must be conversant in English

·         Presentations are well-guided, practical exercises, web-based tutorials, and group work. Our facilitators are experts with more than 10 years of experience.

·         Upon completion of training the participant will be issued with a Foscore development center certificate (FDC-K)

·         Training will be done at the Foscore development center (FDC-K) centers. We also offer inhouse and online training on the client schedule

·         Course duration is flexible and the contents can be modified to fit any number of days.

·         The course fee for onsite training includes facilitation training materials, 2 coffee breaks, a buffet lunch, and a Certificate of successful completion of Training. Participants will be responsible for their own travel expenses and arrangements, airport transfers, visa application dinners, health/accident insurance, and other personal expenses.

·         Accommodation, pickup, freight booking, and Visa processing arrangement, are done on request, at discounted prices.

·         Tablet and Laptops are provided to participants on request as an add-on cost to the training fee.

·         One-year free Consultation and Coaching provided after the course.

·         Register as a group of more than two and enjoy a discount of (10% to 50%)

·         Payment should be done before commence of the training or as agreed by the parties, to the FOSCORE DEVELOPMENT CENTER account, so as to enable us to prepare better for you.

·         For any inquiries reach us at or +254712260031




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